Saturday, March 20, 2010

Kiss Me, I'm 8 Months Old!

Saint Patrick's Day was Isabella's 8 month birthday so of course she just had to wear green, even though I ended up pinching her little cheeks anyway, but come on, can you blame me...look at that smile!!!

Isabella showing off her two bottom teeth that both came in the same week. (It was a rough week for all of us!)

Isabella about to read one of her favorite books...

but then deciding that I should read it for her.

My little multi-tasker chewing on a teething toy, pulling herself up with the table and looking around for what kind of trouble she can get into next!!!

When we went up to Rockwall for Aunt NaNa's shower, Uncle Ed came over and took a bunch of really cute pictures. It's great having a photographer in the family!

We just love this picture of Isabella's big blue eyes. If you look closely, you can actually see the reflection of Ed taking the picture.

Here's Isabella just chilling in her car seat, waiting for us to hit the road.

For the last few weeks, she's been making this funny face where she huffs and puffs through her nose and tries to hold back a smile. We don't know where she learned it from, but as you can see Ed was able to capture it on camera so now you can be the judge...does she look more like Mommy or Daddy?

In mid-February, Central Texas had a snow storm, which doesn't happen often, so of course we had to take advantage of the snow while it lasted!

Our house and yard covered in snow.

Isabella and Mommy posing for a picture.
The snow went past Isabella's ankles, but luckily she was wearing her boots.

Daddy and Isabella with her first Snowman.